Compliance Resource Group, Inc.


Exceptional Compliance Consulting & Advisory Services

Compliance Resource Group, Inc. is the consulting and advisory subsidiary of the Council of Ethical Organizations. CRG is comprised of compliance specialists committed to providing exceptional compliance consulting services to its clients. CRG is equipped to provide you with the guidance, tools and services necessary to create, implement and sustain an effective corporate compliance and integrity program. The goal of CRG is to promote and foster ethical business practices with clients who share a commitment to high standards of ethical and legal conduct.

Specific Services

CRG can assist clients in the development of a corporate compliance/integrity plan and in the implementation and maintenance of a compliance program. Working on either a project basis, or under retainer, CRG provides the necessary expertise and guidance for each client to create an effective compliance effort. Our work emphasizes that even technical compliance efforts must reflect an organization’s mission and values.

Two primary service areas are:


Two primary service areas are:


Compliance Program Assessment:

CRG can undertake a compliance program assessment process designed to assist organizations in reviewing their overall compliance efforts. Our process includes a comprehensive analysis of an existing compliance program, and identifies appropriate changes to fortify the program and to help meet its objectives on an ongoing basis. We conduct both a desk review of compliance program materials (such as Code of Conduct, compliance policies and procedures, board reports) and on site interviews with staff. The goal of site interviews is to obtain real unfiltered and unbiased information concerning how well the compliance program is achieving its objectives. We believe that our process results in a valid, corroborated and real time analysis of the organization’s compliance efforts.

Our program assessment process has been widely used for many years by organizations of most types and sizes. The program assessment process also allows the client to compare their organization’s program activities to those of organizations that have achieved “best practices” in their compliance regimens. Our written assessment report may also provide the board of directors and executive management with concrete evidence that they are addressing their governance responsibilities by providing oversight of the company’s compliance efforts.


Compliance Risk Assessment:

CRG can conduct an extensive review of client operations to ascertain its specific compliance risks that need to be addressed in an effective compliance effort. Once such risks are quantified, CRG assists the client in the creation of an appropriate compliance fortification plan to address those risks and minimize the risk of enforcement oversight by government bodies.